Lumbini: Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City has brought the budget of Rs 2.36 billion for the fiscal year, 2080/81.
Deputy Mayor Sabitra Devi Aryal presented the budget at the 13th municipal assembly of the Sub-Metropolis on Sunday. As per budget, equalization grant to receive from federal government is Rs 317 million, while conditional grant Rs 479 million, complementary grant Rs 8 million and special grant Rs 200 million.
Similarly, the Sub-Metropolis has estimated the equalization grant of Rs 23 million from province government while conditional grant is Rs 20.9 million, and equalization grant Rs 20 million. The revenue sharing is estimated to have grant of Rs 318 million while internal income is estimated Rs 910 million.
The Butwal Sub-Metropolis has underscored education, health, tourism, employment, industry and trade. Also, it has included the programmes of sanitation and greenery in the city.